Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find leprechauns in Ireland?
There were millions of them in Ireland at one time. You could find them in every county. They lived in clans or colonies in every county, below the earth. They worked down there for the most part, digging and mining gold, particularly in Antrim, Wicklow, Monaghan, Kerry, Clare and Tipperary. There really is only one place left in Ireland where they now exist. They have all died out or disappeared except for 236 of them.
They are protected as a species by the E.U. They live in a cavern below Foy Mountain on the Cooley mountains in County Louth which towers above the medieval town of Carlingford Co Louth. They came from all parts of Ireland to live there, as their numbers dwindled all over Ireland and they formed the last remaining colony in the medieval town. Of the 236 that still exist, there are a few representatives from each county who survived, and they make up the whole community.
They periodically visit their original home place, so there is the slightest possibility of seeing them anywhere in Ireland. However, as they return each night to their new home in Carlingford Co Louth you have, by far the greatest chance of seeing them there. They may show themselves as leprechauns in the traditional sense or sometimes as children ,they are known locally as Carlichauns.
Has anyone ever seen a leprechaun?
There are many reports of sightings in Ireland throughout the centuries.
The most exciting and believable sighing is claimed by Irelands last leprechaun whisperer. His name is Kevin Woods, some know him by his Gaelic name “McCoillte”.
He lives in Carlingford Co Louth and dedicates his life to the protection of the 236 that still survive there. They are both adult and children. The children are known locally as “Carlichauns”
What food do Leprechauns eat?
Folklore suggests that they do nothing else but drink alcohol, but nothing could be further from the truth. They use a mixture of wild berries, wild herbs, a flower called meadow sweet they find in the ditches and boglands of Ireland.
It grows wild there in the springtime. These ingredients are mixed with the sap of blackthorn trees to make a food that keeps them happy and healthy.
Child leprechauns known locally as Carlichauns eat the same food.
Do Leprechauns exist in other countries outside of Ireland?
Yes, they can do. Of the 236 that still exist, many of them travel from Carlingford around St Patricks Day, through secret portals that connect Carlingford with the four corners of the world.
They are aware that many children build leprechaun traps around that time and so they migrate from Ireland to test the cleverness of children everywhere.
In recent times they travel magically as child leprechauns, in the form of both boy and girl leprechauns. In Carlingford child leprechauns are affectionally known as Carlichauns.
Do Leprechauns or Carlichauns have names.?
Yes of course they do. The all have names.
The current clan chieftain is called” Carraig” it means Rock. He is the clan leader of the 236 who survive. Tadgh is another one, Coinín (means rabbit), Beastie, Sean Óg, (Óg means young), Peadar, Stevo, Dara, Rinca, Seamus are a few of their names.
The children too known locally in Carlingford as Carlichauns also have names, there is Dara Finn, Hazel, Big Green, Riley and Zara, and lots more, too many to name.
How to catch Leprechauns or a Carlichaun.?
Its best to remember that it’s not easy. They can spot a trap from a mile away.
And as I spend most of my life protecting them, I should not really help you with this, however child leprechauns, Carlichauns, love the fun and the thrill of trying to avoid being caught.
So here goes.
First, we need camouflage, that is green, don’t try brown, they will run a mile from anything brown.
Everything should be green to increase your chances.
Get three cardboard boxes, one bigger than the other, paint them green, place them in a line, the smallest one first.
Make 5 green ladders and place one against the smallest box for him or her to climb up and another to climb down.
Put some sweets or lollipops in it, take the third ladder and place it inside the small box but against the second biggest box, and another for him to climb down. Put green mint and any wildflowers you can find, even clover will do on the bottom.
The last ladder goes in the second box but against the largest box.
He will be desperate to get into the last box so he will have to jump.
Now this is the trick, don’t put a ladder in the large box to get in or out.
Paint 6 pebbles with gold paint and place at the bottom.
He is so fond of gold he will jump down and then you have him. He can’t get out.
If you catch a Leprechaun or a Carlichaun- How should you treat them.?
You must remember not to hurt him or her as it could bring you bad luck.
Treat them gently especially the children, Carlichauns, but hold them firmly.
They will stay with you for seven days including St Patricks day.
They may offer you the chance of making three wishes. They will grant you one.
The one that is most important to you. Let them go after 7 days at the bottom of your garden and they will return to Carlingford through a secret portal.
Why are there only 236 leprechauns left in Ireland. How did the millions disappear?
Leprechauns are spirits who show themselves in a form that those who see them are comfortable with. Kevin Woods or “McCoillte” Irelands last leprechaun whisperer explains: Leprechauns should never have interacted with humans, but they did in 802 A.D.
When the Vikings arrived in Ireland and burned Carlingford twice. They attached their spirit to the human spirit to help the plight of the Irish. They continued to do this throughout the centuries.
Following the famine in Ireland in 1845 when many people died, and others left for foreign shores, the leprechaun spirit travelled with them. As years went by, and the Irish grew more prosperous, the need for anything of the spirit was discarded for other beliefs and the leprechaun spirit died in them.
By approximately 1987 there were only 236 believers left which kept the 236 alive. It was then that they reached out for help to survive. They exist in their traditional form or as child leprechauns know affectionately as Carlicxhauns
Do Leprechauns or Carlichauns like music.?
Yes, they love singing and dancing. Most are shoemakers or cobblers by profession.
This was no accident that it came to be. The need for repairing shoes, worn out after long nights of dancing became a necessity.
Nearly all of them practice this craft. They play, the fiddle, the flute, the harp, the Bodhrán, and the Uilleann pipes among others.
The children “Carlichauns” learn from an early stage too but like children everywhere their real love is adventure and particularly the granting of wishes to those children in most need.
Do leprechauns have a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.?
The story originated 2000 years in Celtic Ireland and in West Cork between Allies and Eyries when a leprechaun was captured by a Celtic warrior who would not let him go until he disclosed where his gold was kept.
To trick the warrior, he got other Leprechauns and Carlichauns to create a rainbow and to place the tiniest speck of gold at the end of it.
The captured one, Tadgh was his name, directed the warrior towards the rainbows end.
The warrior saw a sparkle shine from the speck and in his excitement released his grip and let Tadgh go If you see a rainbow don’t chase it.
The leprechauns have put it up there to take you away from where you are standing. The gold is likely to be under your feet. Start digging.
Do Leprechauns have jobs.?
Yes of course they do. They have dug for gold for generations and continue to do so.
Others oversee the gathering of plants and wildflowers for food while other prepare the meals.
They make and mend shoes. Some are fiddlers and musicians and teach others new tunes, other watch over their children called Carlichauns. Yes, they have very busy lives.
Why is a Blackthorn tree associated with Leprechauns.?
Leprechauns carved Shillelagh from the roots of the blackthorn tree.
A shillelagh is a club used to defend themselves.
Their walking sticks too are made from the blackthorn tree, and they use the sap of the same tree in the preparation of food.
What do Leprechauns and Carlichauns, child Leprechauns, dislike most.?
The thing they most dislike, are people who don’t believe in them.
They hate being shown as drunks, mainly because they never drink alcohol according to Irelands Last Leprechaun Whisperer McCoillte, Kevin Woods. They hate the notion that they are sometimes depicted as figures of evil, nothing could be further from the truth.
They are fun loving, tricksters and there is nothing to be afraid off, they love interaction with humans who believe in them.
What do Leprechauns and Carlichauns, child Leprechauns, like most.?
They do love gold, and rainbows and the granting of wishes, especially to those who are in need.
Careful though, those who seek riches above all else can be easily tricked by them later and wishes
How do Leprechauns and Carlichauns travel around the world, granting wishes.?
Carlichauns child leprechauns live in homes called Carlipods, below Carlingford and along the shores of Carlingford Lough in Co Louth. In their cavern there are four secret portals, North, South, East and West that are connected to all parts of the world.
The Carlichauns ascertain which part of the world a particular wish has come from and set off in the correct direction to fulfil the wish of that child.
Sometimes they come across strange beings on their travels who try to block their path.
These underground beings sole aim in life is to bring misery to children by blocking the Carlichauns from delivering their wish. It can lead to difficult times and wonderful adventures.
Is it true that Leprechauns and Carlichauns, are protected as a species by the European Union.?
Yes, they are. After years of lobbying, by Irelands Last Leprechaun Whisperer Kevin Woods, or Mc Coillte, the European Union finally awarded protect under the European Habitats Directive in 2009.
Did members of the European Parliament visit Irelands Last Leprechaun Whisperer in the underground Leprechaun and Carlichaun cavern in Carlingford Co Louth.?
Yes, twenty-two MEPs visited around 2019 following a meeting in the Carrickdale Hotel for talks on
the implications of Brexit on the Irish economy.
Are there any good Leprechaun songs?
The one we like best is “The Carlingford Leprechaun Song” written and sung by Gareth Woods, a nephew of Irelands Last Leprechaun Whisperer Kevin Woods. The song tells the story of where and how the 236 Leprechauns and Carlichauns were found to live only in Carlingford Co Louth.
Are there any good Leprechaun or Carlichaun films.?
Many have been made however the best known by far is “Darby O Gill and the Little People” starring Sean Connery and made in the 1950s. It is a classic and still remembered fondly by the older generation in Ireland. It is still often shown at Christmas time and is a wonderful introduction to leprechauns to the newer generations of children.
The newest film is a series of twenty-six seven-minute animated adventures based on the granting of wishes to children in all parts of the world. It’s called “The Carlichaun Adventures”.
Carlichauns, as most of you know by now are child leprechauns who live in a cavern below Carlingford Co Louth in homes called Carlipods. A must-see series for children everywhere.
Are there any bad Leprechaun films.?
We totally dislike “The Leprechaun” starring Jennifer Aniston. It’s a horror movie. It is ugly and frightening. It is so far removed from real Leprechauns and Carlichauns, child leprechauns, and should be ignored.
Do Leprechauns and Carlichauns like mice.?
I have been asked this a lot and the answer is Yes.
They love all living creatures.
Over the centuries they have hated to see the harm humans have done to the animals, flora and forests of the world.
Its leaves them feeling very sad.
Are Leprechauns and Carlichauns the same as fairies.?
No, they are entirely different type of being. Leprechauns and Carlichauns, child leprechauns are only found in Ireland. They know and love fairies and this has been so from the beginning of time.
Why are Leprechauns and Carlichauns only found in Ireland.?
A long, long time ago Ireland was attached to North America. Over a period, a huge crack appeared and separated a large piece of land from North America. That piece was called Europe. It was on this piece that leprechauns and Carlichauns, child leprechauns lived. An ice age followed that, and another piece of land broke off again from the European continent. It was on this piece again that the Leprechauns and Carlichauns lived. It was the island of Ireland.
Have Leprechauns or Carlichauns, every heard the Banshee?
Yes, and they don’t like to hear it, it can be a little frightening.
Do Leprechauns or Carlichauns ever see “Willow the Wisp”?
Yes, as many of you know Willow the Wisp is a fairy that emits a very bright light in the bogs of Ireland. Before electricity came to Ireland people used the light to keep themselves safe in the darkness of night. There was danger in the bogs and if it wasn’t for the light many could have strayed in there and drowned. Leprechauns and Carlichauns, friends of all fairies, used them in the same way.
Do Leprechauns and Carlichauns, child Leprechauns, like or play with Fairies.?
Yes, fairies are very important to them. They are different types of spirit or beings. Carlingford has fairies living there as well as Leprechauns and Carlichauns. Their queen is Queen Sadhbh, and they live below the fairy tree that grows above Carlingford at Mountain Park close to the slate rock where the leprechauns’ clothes were found in 1989.
Discover Carlingfords Amazing Link to Irelands Last Known Living Leprechauns.